SRC reader, David, very kindly responded to my request for content from all you experts out there. Here he describes his affection for his WW1 bayonet and its usefulness when all else fails. I hope others will follow his example and send me their very own self-reliance tips, whether it’s cooking, making things, fixing things, preparing for things, or home defense – everyone has something valuable to share.
By David McComas
I have recently read an article disparaging bayonets attached to home defense shotguns. I own four riot guns, one of which will accept a bayonet. A WWI bayonet. Yep, it’s a long one. The only way I would use it in the house would be after all else fails. I own a small house and having something that long would be unwieldy in tight quarters.

I don’t mind telling anyone I am a prepper. I have a long list of bad things that can happen in a heartbeat that can cause chaos. Zombies however, are NOT on my list.
If I have to bug out of my house on foot, I will have a bayonet available to attach to the long gun I will carry. I have several to choose from. Picking just one will be difficult. However, bearing in mind what happened in New Orleans after hurricane Katrina, I will have a bayonet to ward off people who want to eat what I have, or dog packs who want to eat me.
Many pets were rescued, but many were left behind as well. When Spot, Fido and Fluffy had to fend for themselves, they formed packs and started attacking people as a food source.
In trying to get from point A to point B, I figure I may have to find some high ground to defend. Perhaps the top of a car, the porch of a house, or the entrance to a building. If a brave dog climbs up to get me, I will stab it. It will fall back, bleeding, where its pack mates will eat the wounded animal, giving me and my family time to get to the next defensible area we have selected prior to departure. All involved should know in advance where to go to or fall back to. Every move should be done that way. Everyone should know the plan.
When I was a cop, everyone knew that shooting a trouble maker was a big deal. Hitting him with a nightstick was very much less so. In twelve years, I never had to actually hit someone. I had it cocked a few times. I always had a small smile on my face. Indicating I would like this and he wouldn’t. At the last second, they would always surrender. Maybe I was just lucky. Maybe, it was what my field training officer called, “Salesmanship.”
Bayonets have their place in self defense. Perhaps they are not for everyone. To date, the only person I have ever cut with a knife, is myself.